Saturday, 14 March 2009

The Bill meets 24 meets Saw.

How long has it been since I last wrote one of these? A month? Two months. God knows. But it's a Saturday Night. What would anyone with not much of a social life to on a Saturday Night? Write a Blog, of course!

2009 has been a bit of a weird one. New Year's was a great laugh, even though I got taken the picc out of all night by my parents and their friends. Brilliant eh?

Then came the night. My god, I actually don't think I've smiled so much in my life, to be quite honest. Was the epiphone of my 16 years to date. Then we met up in Caerdydd. Cardiff to the people that cannot speak the beautiful language that is Welsh. Although I only have two followers, both of them speak Welsh and neither of them are on here very much at all. Ho hum. We met up and had a great ass day! But she said no. Read between the lines people. Now it's all changed. God dammit. We're talking, but nothing like we were. Now it's just "hello. Alright?". For 5 mins...then nothing. God dammit. I shouldn't've asked her. I should've thought about the fact she had her GCSE's. Fuck's sake, Rhys. I really liked her aswell.

Anyone remember my post about Technoleg Gwybodaeth? How I said it was awful and used the word "shit" a hell of a lot? Well, I had my result back on Thursday. Turns out, I did quite well. Well enough to get a B anyway. Physically couldn't believe it when I saw it and had to do a double take. A B?! After the debacle of everyone thinking we failed?! Totally incredible. Made my day that did, I'm not going to lie.

(This isn't in chronological order by the way, I'm just writing whatever comes into my head next)

After the high of Thursday, Comic Relief came the next day! My favourite fundraiser! In school, the sixth form got to dress up as Film Stars for the day. Me and Chris' characters of choice? The Blues Brothers, of course! Had a great day at school, with Matthew dressing up as Batman easily the laugh of the day! Haha, I love Rhydfelen!

As opposed to Garth Olwg. Now, there was an utter shambles this year regarding the school name. Well, not the school name, per say, more how some people reacted. Posters were put up against the school name change from Rhydfelen to Garth Olwg. Which sounds totally harmless. Until you mention the fact that the posters had a Llanhari badge and Plasmawr badge on them, both with big red crosses over them. Sounds harmless too, as they're just two random school badges. Not so harmless when we have a new headteacher that came from Llanhari, and a new Deputy Headteacher that came from Plasmawr. Who's idea it was, I'm not quite sure, but it caused an uproar. Miss Morris (the head) and Mr Evans (deputy) called in three of my friends, Rhys, Andrew and Gazzard for questioning. This was slowly developing into The Bill. The three of them were called into Miss Morris' office at around 9:00 AM. They weren't seen until 14:00 PM. Now, 24 has creeped into the scene. They came out and Andrew exagerated (obviously, it's Andrew?) slightly and called it an interrigation. But that's what we thought it was. 5 hours of non-stop questioning. Chris thought that there'd be a knock on the door of the room we were in, we'd open the door, look down and see Andrew's finger ina box with a note saying: "You'll get the rest when he comes clean!". Unfortunately, no such thing arose. Would've livened up the day to a whole new level! The Bill meets 24 meets Saw.

So, now, a campaign is appearing on the horizon to get the name changed back to Rhydfelen. It seems that this protest is becoming more and more of a reality. And I'm going along with it. I'd rather spend my 7 years at Ysgol Gyfun Rhydfelen, thanks. Not 4 years at Rhydfelen and my last 3 at Ysgol Gyfun Garth Olwg.

Oh, there have been some issues with my school in the last month. The one that really pissed me off was the whole ordeal with Snow. Woke up on Tuesday morning to look outside and see the whole street covered in white. Brilliant! I love Snow! Had a relaxing Snow Day in the house. Wednesday morning, woke up to see the snow had cleared. And yet my school was still closed. Wednesday I did my work, quite successfully if I say so myself. Thursday morning, woke up to see it had been snowing again! No school again! Thursday I finished all the work I had. Friday morning, woke up to see the snow had cleared again and got changed to go to school. Oh wait, school's closed. Saturday and Sunday there was no snow at all so I was prepared to go to school the next day and get back to normal. Monday morning, woke up to see it had been raining. Lovely. Just about to leave the house when I got a text. School's closed. Okay, this got ridiculous. How could 2 days of Snow turn into 5 days off school? Jeese Louise.

Well, that was a bit of an epic blog to be fair.