I'm making this into a bit of a habit. That's 3 posts in the space of a week by my reckoning. God, I need to get out more.
As I said in my latest post, I'll give you a full run down of the Universities I'm considering venturing off to next year in the next paragraphs. I still have no clue which University I want to go to most, but 3 at the moment are top of the list, with 1 possibly being dropped after an earlier conversation with my parents. We shall see.
Well a good place to start is to tell you wonderful people that either a) have read my blog from the start after me telling you to, or b) just found it by accident like a sperm finding an egg. It just happens. Anyway, I'm hoping to do French at University, with a second language to study from scratch, either Spanish or Italian, depending on the University. I've always loved French. Ever since Year 7, which is a bit of a shock seen as I had the delightfully awful Miss Rees teaching me, I've liked it. I like the French accent a lot, and to be able to speak it fluently in the future would be brilliant. Spanish and Italian are for different reasons. Italian really doesn't have a reason, but I've been to Italy a number of times and the language just seems very interesting. I only took a liking to Spanish by chance. One of my French teachers, Mrs Rowlands, teaches Spanish as well, and when I walked into the classroom a few months back, there was an example Spanish paragraph about Joe Bloggs' village, and the language just seems really, really good. It's quite similar to French, and the language is really "flowy" and it rolls off the tongue very simply. Spanish is my first choice second language (ha, sounds funny), but we'll see, as Bath don't offer Spanish in a beginners course in Year 1, only Italian.
That last sentence leads we neatly on to the subject of Cheese. Just messin' wi'cha.
Bath. It seems a very promising University for me indeed, as it was voted very highly for Modern Languages in general in recent years. +1 for Bath. Secondly, my Mum took my sister to see the Bath campus 2 years ago when she was choosing her Universities, and Mum really liked the campus, she said it seemed very friendly, and lovely gardens too. +2. But a problem, as aforementioned, is that you can only do Italian from scratch there, Russian too, but I'm not interested in that. It wouldn't be disastrous if I went there, because I wouldn't mind going there at all, but it's not my first choice.
After much consideration, I've decided to give each University a "Likelyhood of RBJ making this University his top 3 when forming an application" rating.
1/5 - Very, very much doubt it.
2/5 - Unlikely.
3/5 - 50/50 chance, may choose it, may not.
4/5 - Highly expected to be a chosen one.
5/5 - Definitely making this University my first choice.
So on that basis, Bath gets a 3/5.
Bristol. Right from the start, I'd put this down as my first choice. Very well respected University, highly ranked in the University Rankings on the Guardian, Independant and Times. Looking good. +2. But after a conversation with Mum, it's put me off going there slightly. She has a friend who went to Bristol as a Postgraduate, and this friend (I don't know his/her name, will be referred to as "X." Makes them sound like a hitman. Or one of the X-Men, strangely.) said that the tuition at Bristol was not that good. No details, so I'm still sceptical. Once again using a phrase I seem to be over-using at the minute, we'll see.
Bristol gets a rather disappointing, 2/5.
Nottingham. I didn't originally have Nottingham as an original choice, but it's replaced Birmingam as a possible choice for the following reasons. 1) It seems to be a really nice looking Univeristy, looking very modern. 2) Well rated on the University rankings for 2010, rated in the top 20 for French, as opposed to Bristol's 27th. 3) A family friend went there and he really liked it. +3 for Nottingham. It's relatively close to my Grandparents house too, so that's another plus. Looking good for Nottingham. Will have a look for Open Days in the coming months.
4/5 by my reckoning.
Finally, Oxford. This has been up at the top of the list from the get go really, but I don't see myself getting in. But we'll see. It's obviously one of the best Universities in the world with Cambridge (well, I don't know, but it's always used as examples of Universities so you know), and it looks brilliant. Already went there for a day with the family and it seems like a really nice place, as well as a University. Definitely one of my choices.
4.5/5 for Oxford.
Which means that it seems that, at the moment, Bath, Nottingham and Oxford are my top 3 Universities. Chances are, or rather my luck, I won't get into any of them, and will end up at Trefforest School of Modern Languages. Fun, fun, fun.
Well it seems that this post has come to an end. Should give you an insight into the hopes of RBJ when it comes to University. Maybe I'll see one of you in Trefforest. See you there.
To end, I have a rather hilarious quote or two from Family Guy:
Quote Number 1.
Peter: Hey Lois, you remember that diamond engagement ring you always wanted?
Lois: Oh my god, Peter, you didn't! *smiles*
Peter: Yep, I got a horse!
Quote Number 2.
Ladies and Gentleman of the store, I have an important announcement to make. Testicles. That is all.
That's a fitting moment to end on by my reckoning.
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