With a matter of days until I turn the magic 17, I was sadly anticipating a very depressed magic day. The 20th of August had been billed to depress the life out of me, but it had actually done the exact opposite.
I have never been so happy in my life.
Before I write about today, it may interest you to know what I have been doing since my return from Transatlantica. Well, let's travel back to the day I wrote my blog. So I wrote the blog...and I fell asleep. Okay, fun day there. The day after I seem to recall that's when I went to the cinema to see Orphan...yes, it was, with Ffion, Adam and Sarah. Was a good film too, check out my Film Reviews for full details. And after that, I guess I returned home at around 10:30PM, and I think I went to sleep. Jet lag really is a pain in the derriere.
Then other not very interesting things happened that I won't write about because it probably contains sleep, sleeping, going to bed, and crashing out on the sofa. Take your pick and fullfil the rest of my week until this very moment. This is turning interactive now! I'll give you some time to choose what I did before I move on.
So. Seen the weather? It's been pretty good recently, hasn't it? Yes.
Okay, chosen? Good. If you chose "sleep", it shows you're a very lazy person, like me. If you chose "sleeping", how do you think I'm writing this blog if I'm sleeping? Silly person. If you chose "going to bed", it really is past your bed time. And if you chose "crashing out on the sofa", it shows you're hardcore, and have just been drinking all night long and have been sick all over the front door. Rock hard.
Sorry for that slight detour from the blog, I have a minor case of writer's block at the minute, so my writing isn't flowing very well, and as a result this will probably be a comparatively short post, in relation to my past good tidings. Oh, and it'll be full of random shit. You can handle that, yeah?
Today. I arose from my deep sleep at around 7:45, half an hour before I set my alarm. So I lay in my bed, shaking in my...bare feet?...waiting for 9:00, at which time I would depart to receive my AS Level results. So at 8:15, I changed from my pyjama bottoms into some jeans, t-shirt and a hoodie, used the toilet, washed my face then went downstairs to have some breakfast. It consisted of Weetabix, Sultanas and sugar. Absolutely delicious. Whilst eating, I watched Scuzz, which is when I discovered the new Paramore song "Ignorance" which is rather good. Wait, not good, brilliant fits the bill. Sadly though, it hasn't been released yet, and only the live version is in the vortex of wonder that is YouTube. I guess I'll have to wait a day or two before I find it on there.
Anywho, at 8:50, I woke my Dad up to drive me up to school to fetch my results. Oh, we have a new car by the way. My sister crashed my Dads old one, so we had to get a new car. I hated the old car. So my parents went car shopping, and settled upon the ever reliable Mazda. A Mazda 3 Saloon, to be precise. And it's bloody good too. So he drove me up there, dropped me off, and left. Leaving me to walk into the unknown, and collect that very ominous looking envelope. As I walked away from the table that held my envelope (it had my name on it, conveniantly) dread filled my brain. "I've failed everything, I know it, I know it." I un-sealed the envolope, hands shaking, and pulled the contents from inside, bearing my results.
Drama: A
French: B
History: C
A smile formed accross my scared face. Colour seeped back. I'd passed. I'd passed all of them. I couldn't believe it, I read them over three times before the headmistress came over and asked me how I did, and she smiled aswell. If the female equivalent of Hitler smiles at you, you know you've done rather well. But I had to contain my complete joy until I returned home, knowing that if I celebrate too much, the people that didn't do so well would feel even worse than they already feel. That still didn't stop me being hated playfully for the morning. But on the whole, everyone did well, with only one or two mishaps. But those mishaps don't matter at all, because all will be rectified come Christmas. Well done, everyone.
And so concludes my quite story-like post about my exam results. I think the style of my blog may change slightly in the coming weeks. Not only will I tell you wonderful readers (yes, that means you CrazyDistortion) about my life, I shall be expressing my opinions on the latest stories from around the world, depending on how stupid, ridiculous or amazing the stories may be. I will find the story of a lifetime while writing these blogs however, don't you worry.
Watch this space.
1 comment:
'I watched Scuzz, which is when I discovered the new Paramore song "Ignorance" which is rather good. Wait, not good, brilliant fits the bill. Sadly though, it hasn't been released yet, and only the live version is in the vortex of wonder that is YouTube'
Oh, dude.
That's the official video of it, complete with HQ. Don't enjoy it too much, okay?...
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