Sunday, 13 June 2010

One thing.

Once again, this will be an insanely short post, but I just want to pose a question to you all.

Why the hell do you read my blogs? Currently, I hope the standard has risen past the juvenile posts of old, namely the first maybe 20 posts I ever wrote on here? The first post ever is utter drivel, my "That Cheat Gerrard" one just makes me sound pathetic. God, I hope I've changed passed those awful blog writing skills.

This blog was far too short, it was a waste of time, so I'll give you some YouTube stuff to intrigue you.

Finally, penis.

That's better.

N.B. Something went wrong with the YouTube videos, they're disproportionate to the blog. I tried to fix it, but to no avail.


Unknown said...

Dude, when you select the embed thing on YouTube, a drop down thing appears, then you can select the size of the video. =].

Sorry if you knew this already, but meh. Just saying it anyroad.


RuhBuhJuh said...

I tried that, and it didn't do it :( fml.